Prof. Argentieri About US-Cuba Relations

Professor Federigo Argentieri

Professor Federigo Argentieri

Last month, Political Science Professor Federigo Argentieri was invited to present his point of view regarding US-Cuba relations at the monthly meeting organized in a Roman hotel by Mediatrends America, an independent press association.

Speaking alongside Chilean ambassador to Italy Fernando Ayala and Barcelona’s “La Vanguardia” correspondent Eusebio Val, Prof. Argentieri analyzed the role played by Pope Francis in favoring the process of reconciliation between the US and Cuba. Moreover, he acknowledged the great importance of President Obama’s recent visit to Cuba, which should not be seen as the endorsement of a dictatorship, but rather as the recognition of Cuba’s right to independence.

Professor Argentieri will teach PL 340 Politics of Developing Countries in Fall 2016.

Click here for a synopsis of the meeting (in Spanish)