Student Government to Host International Student Leadership Conference

The John Cabot University Student Government is pleased to host the 3rd Annual International Student Leadership Conference (ISLC), bringing together Student Government organizations from American and English-speaking Universities from across the globe. This year’s theme is “Creating Community for a Better Future.”

The Conference will take place in Rome, Italy at the John Cabot University campus from THURSDAY, APRIL 12, through SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 2012.

The primary focus of the ISLC is to foster methods of coordination and cooperation among the Student Government organizations of each respective institution. This will be facilitated through various meetings, social events, and discussions focusing on:

• Reducing student apathy among the different groups on campus
• Improving outreach to students, faculty, and administrators
• Channeling new skills and technology
• Developing strategies to face growing challenges of American Universities Abroad

Conference Topics:
• Topic 1: Get the Word Out – Effective Communication and Realizing Your Goals
• Topic 2: The Power of Student Government – SG’s Role in University Policies
• Topic 3: Lighting the Fire – From Apathy to Action in a Diverse Student Body
• Topic 4: The Peter Pan Problem – Is University Growth the Way to Go?
• Topic 5: Keeping Them Honest – Building Relationships with Administrators
• Topic 6: Born to Run – Skills of Effective Student Leaders
• Topic 7: Life’s a Party – Party Culture and its Impact on your University
• Topic 8: What it All Means – The Value of an American University Abroad
• Workshop 1: Rocking the Elections – Building for the Future
• Workshop 2: Dollars and Sense – Money and Organizing With a Bang

As American and English-speaking Universities abroad, we each face similar challenges, and yet offer unique perspectives on a breadth of issues. A forum bringing together these various opinions provides the opportunity for Universities to establish a lasting dialogue with each other, as well as allowing for a productive exchange of experiences and ideas.

Student Government Advisors are welcome to attend and participate in the Conference, but their presence is not expressly required.

The Conference Program and other relevant information will be posted and updated on the ISLC page as soon as possible. In the coming weeks, information regarding recommend lodging, getting around Rome, and other useful tips will be distributed. A “Welcome to Rome” informatio packet will also be sent via e-mail upon payment of registration fee.

Come join the JCU Student Government in furthering the cause of students worldwide!

Ci vediamo presto! See you soon!

– The John Cabot University Student Government