Italy Reads Kicks Off 15th Year of Activities
On October 24th, JCU welcomed Dr. Sarah Posman as the Keynote Speaker of the 15th edition of the Italy Reads program, which this year is focused on the reading of Gertrude Stein’s The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas. Moreover, on November 7th, Dr. Posman led a Master Class for teachers where she provided insights into lecturing on this literary work and its eclectic author.
Dr. Posman obtained her Ph.D. on Gertrude Stein from Ghent University in 2010. She now works as an English lecturer in the Journalism program at Artevelde University, in Ghent, Belgium. Her research on avantgarde poetry was funded by the Research Foundation Flanders. She has co-edited several works, including Gertrude Stein in Europe: Reconfigurations Across Media, Disciplines and Traditions (Bloomsbury, 2015), and Vital Stein: Gertrude Stein, Modernism and Life (Edinburgh University Press, 2023). She is a member of the Gertrude Stein European Network and is working on Dutch translations of Stein’s lectures and poetry.

Gertrude Stein (1874-1946) lived in a period of great cultural innovation and was a forerunner to many experimental artistic traditions. Her work was greatly influenced by the growing world of cinema and Modernism. The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas is very different from her previous works. Not to be taken as historically accurate, this book takes the form of an autobiography stemming from Stein’s life-long relationship. In fact, she chronicles the story of her life in Paris with her partner, Alice B. Toklas. The story is filled with mentions of the many artists who attended her famous Parisian salon in 27 Rue de Fleurus, such as Picasso, Matisse, and Hemingway, just to name a few.
The Keynote Address
Executive Coordinator for JCU’s Programs for High Schools Gina Marie Spinelli welcomed the 80 attendees, including Italian high school teachers and their students, to this annual event. After briefly illustrating the five programs offered by JCU, she introduced Academic Advisor for Italy Reads, Professor Carlos Dews, who presented this year’s keynote speaker.
Professor Dews emphasized how Dr. Posman’s expertise on Gertrude Stein and her work make her an ideal keynote speaker for this program. Dr. Posman demonstrated her passion for the subject by guiding the audience through Gertrude Stein’s life and The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas. She pointed out how the complicated nature of Stein’s work, described by Stein herself as “clear as mud,” inspires the reader to consider both form and content in writing, as well as the historical and social context in which the author lived.
Dr. Posman congratulated John Cabot University for its Italy Reads program and how it fosters the community-based joy of reading. She expressed hope that The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas would serve as an opportunity for students to reflect upon the intriguing life and work of Gertrude Stein.
Master Class by Dr. Posman
Dr. Posman started the Master Class by pointing out that “teaching Gertrude Stein is always a challenge,” and encouraged teachers to interpret the work based on who they are and what they love. Teaching with passion is always an effective way to spark curiosity in students. Dr. Posman provided feedback on the Lesson Plans produced by the teachers who participated in the Professional Development Course, held in Spring 2024 in preparation for this year’s program. The key themes discussed were taken from these Lesson Plans, which were focused on the relationship between public life and private life, manners, and the conversational aspects of Stein’s book.
“Receiving feedback and advice from a person with such expertise is a valuable experience for teachers. One of the key goals of Professional Development at John Cabot University is for teachers to have an in-depth discussion with their colleagues on their job and preliminary outcomes with their students.” said Executive Coordinator Gina Spinelli.
Teachers in Italian high schools interested in joining Italy Reads, or any of the other Programs for High Schools can contact [email protected] to learn how they can still get involved.