Author Archive

Life = Cinematic Imperfections: JCU Presents Avo Kaprealian’s Latest Feature Film

Life = Cinematic Imperfections: JCU Presents Avo Kaprealian’s Latest Feature Film

John Cabot University’s Department of Communications and Media Studies, presented the Rome premiere of Syrian-Armenian filmmaker Avo Kaprealian’s first feature length film "Life = Cinematic Imperfections."

A Resilient Space for Diversity: JCU hosts African Art Gallery

A Resilient Space for Diversity: JCU hosts African Art Gallery

John Cabot University hosted an “African Art Gallery” event organized by The Africans in the World Cultural Club, on November 21, 2018. The event focused on the importance of African art, music and food in order to raise awareness of the African Community at John Cabot University.

English Language and Literature Department Hosts Student Reading

English Language and Literature Department Hosts Student Reading

John Cabot University’s English Literature Department organized a Student Reading on November 19, 2018. Ten students from various academic departments stood up and read creative writing pieces they produced. The works included fiction, non-fiction and poems, read in English and also Italian.

Organized Crime and Life: JCU Welcomes Photographer Giovanni Izzo

Organized Crime and Life: JCU Welcomes Photographer Giovanni Izzo

John Cabot University welcomed photographer Giovanni Izzo, who screened his project The Domitiana: everyday organized crime and life on November 6, 2018.

Professor Carlos Dews on Carson McCullers Lecture Tour in Australia

Professor Carlos Dews on Carson McCullers Lecture Tour in Australia

JCU English professor Carlos Dews is currently on a lecture tour in Australia on American author Carson McCullers. On November 23, he will be at the University of New South Wales where he will be speaking about his ongoing project editing the Selected Letters of Carson McCullers.

Italy Reads 2018 Inaugurated by Keynote Speaker Dr. Mark Bosco

Italy Reads 2018 Inaugurated by Keynote Speaker Dr. Mark Bosco

John Cabot University’s Italy Reads 2018 Program welcomed Dr. Mark Bosco, S. J., who delivered a keynote address on Flannery O’Connor in the Aula Magna Regina on October 10, 2018.

Alaska Native Student Lisa Lynch Leads Indigenous Peoples’ Day Celebration at JCU

Alaska Native Student Lisa Lynch Leads Indigenous Peoples’ Day Celebration at JCU

JCU Degree Seeking student Lisa Lynch describes her life as an Alaska Native with a thorough presentation on what her life is like back home.

The Populist Cry of Pain: a Talk by Professor John McCormick

The Populist Cry of Pain: a Talk by Professor John McCormick

John Cabot University welcomed John McCormick, Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, as a guest speaker in the JCU Rome Political Theory Colloquium. The talk, Democracy, Plutocracy, and the Populist Cry of Pain, was co-sponsored by the Department of History and Humanities, and the Department of Political Science and International Affairs.

The Mirror as Technological Device: a Lecture by Nefeli Misuraca

The Mirror as Technological Device: a Lecture by Nefeli Misuraca

Professor Brunella Antomarini welcomed Professor Nefeli Misuraca to her PH 304 Philosophy of Art and Beauty class on September 27, 2018. Professor Misuraca gave a lecture called The Mirror as Technological Device, which explored how such a simple device has affected the representation of reality.

All the Way to Italy: Alumna Flavia Brunetti Presents First Novel

All the Way to Italy: Alumna Flavia Brunetti Presents First Novel

Flavia Brunetti presented her newly published book 'All the Way to Italy- A Modern Tale of Homecoming Through Generations Past' at John Cabot University on September 26, 2018. Born just outside of Rome but raised in the United States, Flavia attended John Cabot and graduated in 2009 with a degree in Political Science.

Populism and Secessionism: a Talk by Professor Guillermo Graíño Ferrer 

Populism and Secessionism: a Talk by Professor Guillermo Graíño Ferrer 

John Cabot University welcomed Professor Guillermo Graíño Ferrer as a guest speaker in the Rome Political Theory Colloquium on September 17, 2018. The event was co-sponsored by the Department of Political Science and International Affairs and the Department of History and Humanities.

Driven by Passion: Screenwriter Simon Hunter on the Life Cycle of a Film

Driven by Passion: Screenwriter Simon Hunter on the Life Cycle of a Film

The lecture, called “How to Make a Movie: from Idea generation to Product” focused on the practice of filmmaking including the marketing process both for independent films and Hollywood blockbusters.