Archive for June, 2010

Dr. Esther Brimmer on Promoting Multilateralism

Dr. Esther Brimmer on Promoting Multilateralism

On Monday, June 21st 2010, the Guarini Institute had the honor of hosting Dr. Esther Brimmer, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations, who outlined the global challenges the world is facing and the how a coordinated effort of all countries may help tackle them.

Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, “President of Victory”

Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, “President of Victory”

On Wednesday 16th June the Guarini Institute hosted a guest lecture featuring Prof. Spencer M. Di Scala, a pre-eminent professor of University of Massachussets, Boston, and scholar specialized in Italian history.

Pushing Past the Night of Italian Terrorism: A Discussion With Author Mario Calabresi

Pushing Past the Night of Italian Terrorism: A Discussion With Author Mario Calabresi

On June 1st, 2010, the Guarini Institute for Public Affairs hosted a discussion with the editor-in-chief of La Stampa and a victim of the 70's terrorism, Mario Calabresi, author of the international best seller "Pushing Past the Night" (New York, The Other Press, 2009).