JCU Orientation Successfully Launches Navigation 101!

JCU Launches Navigation 101

JCU Launches Navigation 101

With unprecedented numbers of students enrolling at JCU this Fall, the University launched “Navigation 101,” a new Orientation program designed to welcome incoming students and help them navigate their way around JCU and the city of Rome.

Students break up into small groups named for famous ships guided by peer leaders or “Skippers,” who conduct the mandatory Orientation sessions in a comfortable setting where new students can feel free to ask questions and voice concerns.

Activities include ice breakers, information sessions on JCU and life in Rome, and a Q & A time. The session concludes with a group scavenger hunt throughout Rome with prizes for best pictures, before reconvening for dinner at JCU’s Tiber Café.

Judging from the great enthusiasm of students and “Skippers” alike, the first Fall Orientation trial-run of the Navigation 101 program was incredibly successful!

And the winners of the Photo Scavenger Hunt are . . .

Most Web-Worthy Photo: The Calypso (Prize: free Wine-tasting session!)

Funniest Photos: The Victoria (photo above) and the Andrea Doria (Prize: free JCU T-shirts!)

Most Unmistakably Roman: The Half Moon, the HMS Beagle (photo on the homepage), and the Matthew (Prize: free Rome guide books!)

And . . . a special, unprecedented prize to the best Photo Montage!! Congratulations to . . .
The Stella Polare

See the best photos on the John Cabot University Facebook Page!