President Pavoncello Analyses the Euro Roller Coaster on

President Franco Pavoncello was recently a guest on the popular show, a political, world events, philosophy, and science video blog discussion site in which the participants take part in an active back and forth conversation via webcam which is then broadcast online to viewers.

Topics of discussion include “How the Euro crisis toppled Berlusconi,” “Italy’s new, serious leadership,” and “The irony of the EU.”

Most of the discussions posted to involve well known journalists, bloggers, science writers, scientists, philosophers, book authors, or other specialists in segments of current world events.

View the Bloggingheads video Worldwise: The Euro Roller Coaster.

President Pavoncello, who holds a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, is a leading analyst of Italian politics and a well-known media commentator on Italian affairs. He was also recently featured The Wall Street Journal and, among other publications.