John Cabot University Students Go to Veneto

With beautiful sights and attractions and superb food all on offer, the scene was set for a memorable weekend in the Veneto region of Italy, and it certainly did not disappoint!

The group, made up of John Cabot University students, their tour leader and three JCU chaperones, left on Friday, November 11th and headed for Padua, where a professional tour guide introduced them to the beauty, art, and peaceful environment of the city. During the city tour, the students took in some of the symbols of Padua, such as its renowned squares and the Basilica of Saint Anthony.

On the second day, the group embarked on a train journey to Venice, the enchanting lagoon city on the coast of the Adriatic. Wandering around the famous Venetian walkways and canals, students were exposed to historic landmarks that they had studied in their art history classes. The tour ended in Piazza San Marco, the city’s main square, dominated by its imposing cathedral.

For the final day, students delighted in the wonders of Verona, the city where Shakespeare set one of his masterpieces, Romeo and Juliet. The group explored the historic center and visited Romeo and Juliet’s houses, before heading to the city’s famous Arena. Built in the first century A.D., during the last years of Emperor Augustus’s reign, the Arena is one of the largest and best preserved Roman structures, and made for a fitting end to a wonderful weekend in Northern Italy.