JCU Hosts Summer 2013 Student Photo Exhibit

Summer 2013 Student Photo Exhibit

Summer 2013 Student Photo Exhibit

When students registered for JCU’s three summer photography classes, they had no idea that they would have the opportunity to show their work in an art gallery in the historic center of Rome.

But thanks to Professor Serafino Amato, students of photojournalism, digital, and pinhole photography exhibited their photos in Rome’s Studio 9 gallery on July 29th in a show entitled “The Real and the Unreal.”

JCU Photography Professors Donald R. Winslow, Jochem Schoneveld and Serafino Amato were quite understandably proud of their students’ excellent work.

Photojournalism professor Winslow, commented: “The students did a great job this summer shooting and selecting images for the exhibit. I’m so very, very proud and happy to see how photography is a growing program at John Cabot. When I started teaching summer courses here, we only had one photography class per session. This year, we had three classes going at the same time! JCU’s leadership fully supports our growing photography efforts and our special programs for the students. Most of all, there just couldn’t be a better place to study photography and visual reportage in the summer than at JCU, with its beautiful location in the heart of Rome.”

Professor Amato, who taught Pinhole Photography, said “Each of these young photographers has begun to understand that with a digital camera, or with the slow procedure of the large-format view camera, or even more, with the pinhole camera, we can recharge reality with a metaphorical, even metaphysical sense.”

Learn more about Studio Art at John Cabot University in Rome.

Learn about the Department of Art History and Studio Art at John Cabot University.

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