From Boston to Rome: Study Abroad Student Monica Todros

Monica Todros

Monica Todros

Monica Todros is a study abroad student from Boston, Massachusetts. Read about her experience at JCU:

“My name is Monica Todros and I am a Polish-American from Massachusetts. I attend college at Suffolk University in the heart of Boston, so I essentially just picked up and moved from one big city to another. I study Public Relations, but I came to Italy to learn about the country itself, since the rich history and way of life has always captivated me. Earlier in the year I decided to experience Rome at an institution that integrates its campus with the cobblestones themselves: John Cabot University.

I found John Cabot through Suffolk’s study abroad program. While I learned about programs at different schools and in different parts of Italy, John Cabot made a lasting impression for its on-site courses, faculty of different backgrounds, and of course, its location. The class sizes are ideal, allowing for easy and direct communication with professors. Most classes are a blend of visiting students, like myself, and degree-seeking students who reside in Italy. This unfamiliar classroom dynamic is something I enjoy, as it gives me a chance to meet diverse people.

I am living on my own for the first time, and in a foreign country, no less. I’m getting used to residents speaking a language I don’t fully understand, taking much shorter showers, and turning the stovetop on with a lighter. Our apartment is cozy and provides us with the necessities; I live with five other study abroad students and all of us going through the same thing helps in the adjustment process. Life in Rome is very different, everything from grocery shopping to navigating the streets. The first couple of weeks of the semester have already flown by, however, and we’re getting more comfortable with each passing day.

I’m very pleased with my decision to study abroad, and to do so at John Cabot. I appreciate the support I am receiving both from faculty and my peers, and I am impressed with the quality of my instructors and their class curriculum. I’m looking forward to a rewarding semester, and an experience that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.”

Learn more about studying abroad in Rome at John Cabot University.