Meet Alumna Cinzia D'Alessandro

Cinzia D'Alessandro

Cinzia D’Alessandro

From JCU to NYC, my American Dream Come True
Hello! I am writing to you from New York City, where I moved a month ago to start and manage the U.S. office of a luxury travel agency that was awarded a prize from Travel & Leisure for two consecutive years.

My path to New York started at John Cabot University. This path has not always been easy; I have had to overcome some considerable challenges along the way, and this has strengthened me and helped push my limits.

When I first became interested in JCU, my level of English was not adequate for university studies. I could have given up, but instead I enrolled in JCU’s ENLUS course, which is designed for non-mother tongue students who need to improve their knowledge of English before enrolling in an English-language university. ENLUS taught me how to become a competent writer, expand my vocabulary and speak persuasively. At first, I felt insecure and didn’t think I was going to make it, but my commitment and hard work, along with the professors’ encouragement and support, helped me get over my fears. Today, I am proud to have a professional level of English that has made me competitive on the international job market, and in fact, here I am in New York!

Once at John Cabot, where I decided to study Economics and Finance, I spent a semester studying at the University of Miami thanks to JCU’s Direct Exchange program. This program made studying abroad in the US affordable because I was able to transfer my JCU scholarship to the US.

What I learned at JCU helps me every day in my job. My classes in economics, management, marketing, information technology, and English literature and composition have given me practical tools that I constantly use.

But perhaps the most important thing I learned at JCU is to develop a problem-solving mindset which helps me push myself to solve challenges in the most efficient and effective way. This is largely thanks to the constant emphasis on case studies and project work.

Looking back, I can hardly believe I have accomplished so much in so little time. Having graduated from a Classical high school in a small town in the province of Latina, Italy, I never would have dreamed I’d find myself managing an office in New York City!