John Cabot University Welcomes L'Arche Communities Representatives
On March 4, Marco Veronesi, director of the L’Arche communities in Rome, and Sarah Parisio, director of L’Arche volunteer activities, spoke with students and professors about the relationship between faith, service and disability. Student Carlota Buroz and study abroad student Tiffany Covington also shared their experience volunteering with the L’Arche community through John Cabot University. The event was the third in the Interfaith Initiative‘s 5-part International Interfaith Scholar series sponsored by the US Embassy to the Holy See and the JCU Community Service Program.
L’Arche is an international community that welcomes people with and without intellectual disabilities to live in shared community. The community is an ecumenical, interfaith organization that is rooted in the Catholic faith tradition. Jean Vanier, who co-founded L’Arche with two adults with disabilities in 1964, has been awarded the Legion of Honor, the Companion of the Order of Canada, and the Gaudium et Spes award for his work in promoting the “politics of gentleness.” In 2011, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and on March 11, 2015, he was awarded the Templeton Prize. L’Arche is present today in 147 different communities in 35 countries.
Learn more about the Community Service Program at John Cabot University in Rome.