JCU Student Giosuè Prezioso and Professor Ilaria Gianni Curate the 2015 Apulia Land Art Festival
Art History student Giosuè Prezioso and JCU Professor Ilaria Gianni have been invited to curate the 2015 Apulia Land Art Festival – and Giosuè was asked to present this year’s program at the 68th edition of the prestigious Cannes International Film Festival in May.

Giosuè Prezioso
The Apulia Land Art Festival is a three-day art event that will take place on September 4-6, 2015 in the town of Ostuni in southern Italy. The festival explores the relationship between art and nature, echoing the American tradition of Land Art movement.
The Festival is now a well-established event and gains increasing coverage in the Italian and international press. At Cannes, Giosuè presented the goals of the Festival as well as the program of participating artists.
“The curatorship with Ilaria Gianni, as well as with Saverio Verini [Università “La Sapienza”] is incredibly stimulating. I am in contact with international contexts, artists, and professionals” says Giosuè. “The experience at Cannes gave incredible visibility to the Festival and its people, and built interesting international partnerships that we intend to cultivate.”
The opportunity to curate this year’s Festival originated by Giosuè presenting a paper at the 2014 international conference associated with the Festival, and was developed through the training received at JCU. The course “Curating Museums and Galleries” taught by Professor Gianni has been particularly inspirational.
Read more about:
The presentation at Cannes
The Apulia Land Art Festival
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