JCU Welcomes Consultant of Italian Ministry for Economic Development Mattia Corbetta

Mattia Corbetta

Mattia Corbetta

On Tuesday, September 15th, the JCU Institute for Entrepreneurship was proud to welcome Mattia Corbetta, consultant at the Italian Ministry for Economic Development, for a lecture entitled “Italy Sustains Entrepreneurship.”

Dr. Corbetta focused on current measures taken by the Italian government to sustain entrepreneurship, and further discussed defining issues of the crisis. Corbetta argued that the stall in Italian innovation is a direct result of the society’s current satisfaction with the available products and services. Another pressing problem, he added, is the vast gap between universities and businesses, with companies not acknowledging the potential of students, and thus missing an opportunity that could benefit society as a whole. Current figures clearly underline this issue, as 44% of Italian youth remain unemployed.

The Italian Ministry for Economic Development recently launched Law 221/2012, also known as the Innovative Startups program, as a measure to allow entrepreneurs to benefit from bureaucratic shortcuts such as fiscal exemptions, equity crowd-founding, and facilitation for credit allowances. Some 5000 startups have already signed up for the program from regions all over Italy. We hope more of our local entrepreneurs will take advantage of this unique opportunity and make concrete changes for Italy’s future.

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