JCU Alumna and EU MP Eva Paunova Featured in Financial Times

JCU Alumna Eva Paunova

JCU Alumna Eva Paunova

On November 26, JCU alumna Eva Paunova was featured in an article in the Financial Times entitled “Tapping the talent of Generation D would be a key stroke for EU.”

After graduating in 2008 with degrees in International Affairs and Business Administration, Eva went on to run for Bulgaria’s largest political party, the center-right GERB (“Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria”), and became one of the youngest members of the European Parliament in 2014. In 2015 she was chosen to receive the “Best Newcomer MEP” (Member of Parliament) prize.

In the Financial Times article, Eva explains why the European Union (EU) needs to focus on Generation D, or the generation that has grown up with and is completely at home with digital devices and digital culture, as European countries adapt their economies to the realities of the digital world. Members of Generation D will be the ones who will “discover and nurture new areas of research and innovation,” says Paunova. She believes that Europe should be as “digital and connected as the United States” and argues that removing boundaries between digital markets within the EU “would give a boost to ecommerce, empower start-ups and support innovation.”

The John Cabot University community congratulates Eva on her recent successes!

Read the Financial Times article