Prof. Argentieri Interviewed by Italian Radio on Ukraine, Two Years On

Professor Federigo Argentieri

Professor Federigo Argentieri

On Feb. 17, Prof. Federigo Argentieri spoke on RAI Radio 1‘s “Morning Voices” program, assessing the situation in Ukraine two years after the start of the war.

In his interview, Prof. Argentieri addressed strategic focus having shifted towards the Middle East, while the East European conflict remains unresolved and dangerous. Russian policy, he said, has been contradictory and counterproductive. Until 2013, Ukraine was only interested in membership in the European Union and not in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). However, after the attempted imposition of Ukraine by Moscow and the war that followed, the idea of joining NATO became increasingly popular in Ukraine. Today, the risks of a broader conflict still remain high.

Prof. Argentieri is the director of JCU’s Guarini Institute for Public Affairs. His works on the contemporary history and politics of Central-Eastern Europe and Italy have been widely published. He teaches courses on international security and comparative politics of Europe, Latin America and developing countries and regularly contributes to one of Italy’s main newspapers “Corriere della Sera.”

To listen to the interview (in Italian), follow this link and choose the podcast on “Ucraina”.

