IFE Welcomes Managing Director of uFirst Laura Mirabella

uFirst Managing Director Laura Mirabella

uFirst Managing Director Laura Mirabella

One of the objectives of the JCU Institute for Entrepreneurship is to provide education and training in the fundamentals of best entrepreneurial practices. Every semester the Institute invites 20+ entrepreneurs to the classroom to share their experience in real time. This allows students to network, learn about the entrepreneurial landscape in Italy, get a real sense of how to identify a business opportunity, and gather the resources needed to go from idea to implementation.

On February 16, the JCU Institute for Entrepreneurship, in collaboration with the BUS/CMS 360 Social Networks and Media Management class taught by Professor Daniele Pica, welcomed Laura Mirabella.

Mirabella acts as Managing Director of uFirst, a startup company created and run by young Italian entrepreneurs. uFirst is a service which aims to “invert the clock and give you back your time.” uFirst is close to launching world-wide, and is already working in collaboration with the Marco Polo Airport in Venice, Italy.

Professor Daniele Pica

Professor Daniele Pica

As Professor Pica’s course explores the significance of social networks in business and social life, Mirabella’s lecture provided a unique opportunity for the class to critically appreciate social media platforms in a specific case study.

Mirabella explained the importance of simplicity, as she claimed “the best ideas are simple, you do not need to reinvent the wheel.” Instead she claimed that it is crucial to build environments around these simple ideas by addressing the needs latent in the general public.

Mirabella further discussed issues related to participatory culture, privacy, communication power, the political economy of social media, and to conclude, addressed the numerous questions from students.

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