Student Viktor Sobra Delseny Wins Award at CWMUN

Viktor Sobra Delseny

Viktor Sobra Delseny

Student Viktor Sobra Delseny, an International Affairs major from Perpignan, France, won an Honorable Mention at the New York Change the World Model United Nations (CWMUN) Conference, held at the headquarters of the United Nations (UN) on March 18-20.

At the beginning of the CWMUN, the 1,400 participants were divided into different committees. Delseny joined the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Committee, together with 195 other student delegates, each representing a different member nation of the UN. “I represented Sudan and had to defend the interests of that country’s government. With my allies, Iran and Russia, I led the opposition to the resolution promoted by Western members,” said Delseny.

Delseny was proud of being recognized with an Honorable Mention Award at CWMUN. He said, “It was a great honor to receive the award in the General Assembly Hall of the UN, in the presence of people like former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta, several ambassadors, and even soccer player Andrea Pirlo,” he said.

As the only member present from John Cabot University’s Model United Nations (JCU MUN) Society at the CWMUN, Delseny was happy the team’s efforts were noticed. He said, “It is always great to see JCU MUN’s work recognized, especially at one of the most prestigious MUN conferences in the world.”

Delseny believes studying at JCU gives him an edge at MUN conferences. “At JCU we have the unique chance to interact on a daily basis with students from diverse backgrounds with different ideas and beliefs. The students and professors are passionate about their subjects, and that zeal comes out in the extracurricular activities made possible by the university, like the JCU MUN.”

Learn more about John Cabot University’s Model United Nations Society