Meet Marco D’Albis, Winner of Italy Pitches 2015/2016

Italy Pitches Marco D'Albis“Italy Pitches was a great learning experience for me. I was very nervous and excited the day of the competition, I would have never imagined winning!” Marco D’Albis is the winner of the first edition of the JCU Italy Pitches Competition, the First Step Towards Social Innovation. He states that, although the pitch does require a lot of preparation both in terms of research and in terms of structuring it, “the reward far surpasses the effort” . He is very thankful to his teacher Angela Andolfi who assisted him in every step of the process and pushed him to try his very best. “I am very happy that I participated, not only did it help me improve my public speaking skills, it also increased my self-confidence and led me to participate in a unique experience, the JCU English Summer Camp”.

Participation in the JCU English Summer Camp was the prize for the Italy Pitches winner. Marco entered with a level of B2 and after only 3 weeks he had achieved at least 1 higher level. “When I entered I did not know what to expect. I thought that I was going to have the usual lessons where you sit down and take notes. Instead it was a completely different experience. Lessons were very entertaining and dynamic; we discussed interesting from different angles.” He says that at the beginning he was really shy, but the professors at John Cabot helped him overcome his fear. “I met very interesting students and professors during the Camp, I am sad the program is over”. Marco says he would definitely recommend both Italy Pitches and the program to other classmates.

Learn more about the John Cabot Institute for Entrepreneurship.