MUN Society Represents JCU at Warsaw Model UN 2016

by Giuseppe Spatafora

On October 20-22, twelve delegates from John Cabot University’s MUN Society attended the Warsaw Model United Nations 2016 (WAWMUN 2016) conference, Eastern Europe’s biggest MUN, where the broad topic of European insecurity was discussed. The issues each committee dealt with were the trial of Viktor Yanukovych, the refugee crisis, Europe’s cultural identity, and relations with Russia.

JCU's MUN Society in Warsaw

JCU’s MUN Society in Warsaw

WAWMUN proved to be a great school of “learning by doing.” The JCU delegates had the chance to practice problem solving, leadership, and negotiation skills by representing a member state of the United Nations. Student Rachel Confair says: “Warsaw Model UN was my first ever MUN experience. I was very nervous going in but I felt like a completely different person when I left. I was more confident. I felt like I had a voice.” Experienced delegates like Leonardo Rivalenti also enjoyed the debate: “Attending WAWMUN was a very productive experience, with many delegates (and chairs) demonstrating a good preparation throughout the Conference.”

During the closing ceremony, MUN Society president Giuseppe Spatafora received the Best Delegate Award for representing Georgia in the Historical Security Council. MUN coordinator Oleksandra Vereschak and student Sara Traylor, who played the roles of prosecutor and legal representative of the victims in the International Criminal Court, both received a special mention from their committee’s Chairs. Sara, who is a senior member of MUN Society, has a message for the rest of the club: “I have met wonderful and bright new MUNers, and I am sure they will make us as proud as ever in the next conferences. I thank all board members for putting their heart into this, for making these trips possible and for making MUN Society what it is today: a family.”

The conference was held in important venues like the National Stadium, the Supreme Court of Poland and the University of Social Sciences. The closing ceremony was held in the Soviet-style Palace of Culture and Science. Finally, the JCU representatives had  the chance to visit to the Museum of Polish Jews, the National Library’s rooftop gardens and the Old City in company of local fellow MUN members.

Diana Piergentili, another MUN senior member, summarizes the emotions she felt during the trip: “I will cherish all the wonderful memories of this experience. Starting from the stimulating and inspiring debate during the conference, to the moments spent exploring Warsaw and getting lost in it. I came back from this trip amazed by the beauty of Warsaw and the kindness of the Polish people. I am so proud of our MUN team!”