An Inclusive World Perspective: Political Science Major Katie Kehoe
A daughter of Portland, Oregon, 21-year-old Katie Kehoe is majoring in both Political Science and Italian Studies. She is the former president of the JCU Queer Alliance and current Vice President of Student Government. Katie also serves as treasurer for the Organization of Latin Americans, and works as both Orientation Leader and Writing Center tutor.

Political Science Major Katie Kehoe
What attracted you to Political Science? What are your plans after JCU?
I am attracted to the realm of political science because I see it as the most direct way to better our world on a large scale. I hope that by studying the failures and accomplishments of previous governments, I can have a better understanding of how best to approach politics professionally. I hope to continue this by pursuing a master’s and, eventually, a doctoral degree.
What is your career goal?
I would like to professionally pursue academics in order to gain knowledge and credibility in preparation for a political career. I’d like to be the first female president of the USA, but if I’m the 2nd or 3rd, that works too.
What is the competitive advantage of studying Political Science in this day and age?
It is the broadened global perspective I have gained from my international peers and professors. Attending an international university (like John Cabot) has taught me that peace is achievable and that education is the key.
When I was leading the Queer Alliance, we hosted the Day of Silence. It is a day when allies take a vow of silence to reflect on the silence imposed upon LGBTQ people through discrimination, hate crimes, and bullying. I spent the afternoon distributing ribbons to people who wanted to show solidarity and explaining the significance of the day. Occasionally, I talked to people who grew up in places like Egypt, India, Pakistan, and Libya, knowing full well that homosexuality is punishable by law in those countries. However, almost all of these students took ribbons to support the Day of Silence. This not only warmed my heart, but also showed how individuals are not products of their governments. We can all rise above administrative and institutionalized prejudice, and this gives me hope for the future.
How did you decide to apply to John Cabot?
I found out about John Cabot at a college fair where a representative from the university told me that they were looking through applications for individuals who wanted to be “global citizens.” Almost four years later, that idea of being a global citizen has stuck with me. Although I was unsure of what I wanted to do with my life at the time, I knew that exposure to new people, places, cultures, and languages would not only be fascinating but also important for gaining an inclusive world perspective.
Do you have any advice for a new student starting out at JCU?
If you’re coming from the US, bring your own peanut butter. Also, be open-minded, make friends with everyone, learn a little bit of every language, and study hard because the professors are the best part of this university and they want you to succeed.