Professor Stefan Sorgner Lectures on Transhumanism Throughout Europe
Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner recently returned from the University of Lower Silesia, in Poland, where he was Visiting Professor, giving several talks and directing a workshop. While in Poland, he also gave a talk in Cracow to the Polish Transhumanist Society at the Jagiellonian University.
In addition, he was invited to give six international presentations during June 2017. Most noteworthy are his public discussion with one of of most fascinating composers alive, Sven Helbig, in Graz and his public discussion on the latest gene modification techniques at the German Humanist Day in Nürnberg, which is the biggest festival of free spirits, secularists, and humanists in Germany.
During a visit to Romania in May 2017, where he gave an invited keynote presentation at a bioethics conference, he received an honorary diploma from the rector of Universitate de Vest, “Vasile Goldis” in Arad.
Dr. Sorgner was recently featured in the “Visionaries” section of the Air Berlin Magazine, dedicated to the topic of computer-machine-interaction. He will also be featured in a detailed interview for a special Nietzsche edition of the German version of the “Philosophie Magazine,” which will be published in mid-June 2017. In the interview, Professor Sorgner presents selected pillars of his Nietzschean transhumanism. A detailed exchange concerning his reflections were recently published in the collection “Nietzsche and Transhumanism: Precursor or Enemy?“