JCU Alumnae and Professor Clough Marinaro Present at International Conference

Professor Clough-Marinaro (center) with JCU Alumnae Oriana Quaglietta (left) and Maria Giuditta Borselli

Professor Clough-Marinaro (center) with JCU Alumnae Oriana Quaglietta (left) and Maria Giuditta Borselli

On July 7 and 8, 2017 three members of the JCU Community presented their on-going research at an international conference on Organized Crime, sponsored by the ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research) and hosted by the University of Bath. Oriana Quaglietta, a JCU graduate in International Affairs and Economics and Finance,  presented her research on the role of women in Mexican drug-trafficking cartels. She began researching the topic with her undergraduate thesis and developed it further in her Master’s program in Organized Crime, Terrorism, and Security at the University of Essex. She now begins a Ph.D. in Sociology at Lund University in Sweden on women and crime.

Another alumna, Maria Giuditta Borselli then presented the findings of an independent study she carried out in her senior year as an International Affairs major at JCU. Her project explored the methodological difficulties of studying emerging mafia territories in contemporary Rome. She and Professor Isabella Clough Marinaro then presented their ongoing joint research project which analyzes the penetration of Camorra clans into the city. Maria Giuditta is currently applying to Masters and Ph.D. programs in international crime and security while Professor Clough continues to teach Globalization and Crime and advises growing numbers of senior theses in crime studies.