John Cabot University Alumni Social Hour in London

On Friday, October 27, a group of JCU alumni gathered at the Ned Hotel in London in the heart of the financial district for the JCU Alumni Social Hour. The event was organized by the John Cabot University Alumni Association with the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs. The JCU Alumni London Social Hour is part of the Regional Alumni Ambassador Program. The program enables former students to stay in contact with their alma mater, and, by organizing periodical reunions and events, creates networking opportunities and brings the JCU community together.

The Caroline Critelli Guarini Campus

The Caroline Critelli Guarini Campus

The event was an occasion for all the alumni who reside in the U.K. to meet the new Regional Alumni Ambassador, Ksenia Kurileva. Ksenia graduated from JCU in 2014 with a degree in Business Administration. Before moving to London, where she is pursuing a career in the fields of digital technology and healthcare, Ksenia lived in Russia, Italy, and Norway.

The U.K. alumni, whose classes ranged from 2004 to 2017, had a chance to reconnect and find out more about the recently-purchased Caroline Critelli Guarini Campus and the new programs that the university is designing.  The alumni who are now long-time London residents had an occasion to meet the many young graduates who have just moved to the U.K. to pursue master’s programs or to begin their careers. Giuseppe Spatafora, an international affairs major who was the Class of 2017 Salutatorian, was also among the alumni who attended.  He told everyone his first impressions of the graduate program at Oxford University that he is currently attending, the M.Phil. in International Relations, conveying the challenges and rewards of his post-JCU academic experience.

If you wish to become a Regional Ambassador for JCU in your area, or if you would like to collaborate in organizing an Alumni event, please email [email protected].