Student Karima 2G Publishes Article in Corriere della Sera Newspaper

Karima 2G

JCU Student Anna Maria Gehnyei, aka Karima 2G

John Cabot University student Anna Maria Gehnyei, aka Karima 2G, recently published an article in the Corriere della Sera, one of Italy’s main daily newspapers. Of Liberian origin but born in Rome, Karima is a double major in Communications and Political Science, in addition to being a singer, dancer, and producer. The “2G” in her name stands for second generation.

In the article, Karima discusses racism, stereotypes, and how she uses her music to combat prejudice. She also talks about her positive experience at John Cabot University, and how it has contributed to her personal, academic, and artistic growth.

Recently, Karima started teaching at primary school Carlo Pisacane, in Rome’s multicultural Torpignattara neighborhood, for the project “Laboratori di autonarrazione per giovani apprendisti,” an initiative that aims to encourage the second-generation children of immigrant parents to express themselves through music.

Read the article “Stereotipi, pregiudizi, pratiche razziste contro afroitaliani e immigrati neri” (in Italian).