An Entrepreneurial Itch: Business Administration Student Costanza Cicero

Costanza Cicero is a Business Administration major and Entrepreneurship minor from Rome. She served as Secretary-General at the International Model United Nations Association (IMUNA) and Member of the Board of Directors at United Network Europa. Costanza is now the Vice President of the Business Club and Events Coordinator of the Fandom Club.

Costanza Cicero

Costanza Cicero

What brought you to JCU?
I learned of JCU through friends who were attending it while I was still in high school, and was immediately intrigued by the possibilities of being a part of an American university in Rome. However, at the time I decided to pursue a degree in International Development and Cooperation at the University of Bologna. Later I found my calling for business through my non-profit work in the U.S., and applied to John Cabot.

What are your career plans after graduation?
I plan on getting as much experience possible in the fields of innovation and technology, while also working towards a potential consulting career. When it comes to my dream job, I do have an entrepreneurial itch, so starting my own consulting firm would be incredibly exciting.

Would you recommend majoring in Business Administration?
Business Administration is a very solid course for all aspiring managers. It has a broad curriculum that can thoroughly prepare you to take very different routes and career options. Additionally, a minor can completely change and personalize your job profile. In my case, I just declared my minor in Entrepreneurship, which suits my interests and allows me to leverage my hard and soft skills in the realm of business ventures.

Who is your role model in this field and why?
As a woman studying business and entrepreneurship, it is sad to rarely see mentions of female leaders in these fields. Nonetheless, we do have many examples of strong and powerful women entrepreneurs and business leaders. Sheryl Sandberg (COO of Facebook), Marianne Lake (CFO of JP Morgan), Melinda Gates (Co-Founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), Indra Nooyi (CEO of Pepsi Co), and Marissa Mayer (President and CEO of Yahoo!). These women inspire me every day and I hope that progress in equal representation will continue in the future.

You have worked as both Secretary-General at IMUNA and Member of the Board of Directors at United Network Europa. What have you learned from these experiences?
I started as a delegate (my first conference being JCU’s!) at the Italian Model United Nations, organized by United Network, and consequently, the National High School Model United Nations, run by the International Model United Nations Association. IMUN is the biggest conference in Italy, and NHSMUN is the biggest in the world: two incredible events that should be on the bucket list of any avid MUNer. These two events are among my most treasured memories. While the initial part of my non-profit career was mostly research-based, soon I was tasked to coordinate groups, and later be responsible for the logistics of the whole event.

You are an active member of the JCU community and are involved in the work of different student clubs. Could you tell us more about this experience?
First, I am excited to say that the Business Club, of which I am the Vice President, has created an Enactus team and will be presenting a project for sustainable business to the National Enactus Competition the 1st of June in Trento, Northern Italy. Enactus is the world’s largest learning platform dedicated to creating a better world while developing the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders and social innovators. Before that, we will be meeting in Milan with KPMG, a global network of independent member firms offering audit, tax, and advisory services to get feedback on our progress. I am extremely proud of the work our team has done so far and I am excited to see what’s ahead of us.

Secondly, I want to highlight the efforts of another club dear to my heart: the Fandom Club. Serving as Events Coordinator this year has provided me with a wonderful opportunity to foster community-building at JCU and create a safe space for all students. Our events were quite successful, with high levels of participation. All of this was because of the outstanding board: Federica Bocco (President), Claudia Corazzi (Vice President), Valeria Di Muzio (Treasurer), Nicholas Ciniglio (Events Coordinator), and Alessandra Longo (Secretary). Nick and I will be taking on the roles respectively of Vice President and President next year, and we have many events and projects in store that we cannot wait to share with JCU community!

What is your advice to other students who are considering JCU?
I would tell them not to hold back. Challenge yourself by taking harder classes, ask your professors difficult questions, and don’t be afraid to speak up in front of an audience. The thing I love the most about John Cabot is how the faculty and student body never fail to challenge and amaze me every day.