Prof. Fabrizio Conti Gives a Lecture at the Canadian University in Dubai

Prof. Fabrizio Conti at the Canadian University ion Dubai

Prof. Fabrizio Conti at the Canadian University in Dubai

Prof. Fabrizio Conti, a lecturer of History in the Department of History and Humanities, was invited to the Canadian University in Dubai (UAE) to give a lecture on “The ideas of Rome from the Classical times to the Renaissance” on 12th of June.

Prof. Conti presented his lecture as part of Prof. Evelyne Gilibert’s course on Ancient Civilizations, discussing with students and faculty how ideas of Rome and Roman civilization changed through time from the Classical period, the Late antiquity and the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.

According to the Professor, “from an original view of Rome as a city of warriors, a poetic and literary characterization of the city emerged especially in the Augustan period. With the coming of Christianity and the subsequent medieval developments, ideas concerning political and religious role of Rome became exceptionally relevant. Later in the age of Humanism, the Classical literary tradition centered on Rome was revived first of all by Francis Petrarch, who meaningfully preferred the Eternal City over Paris in order to receive the laurel and be crowned poet laureate.”

Fabrizio Conti received a dual Ph.D. in History and Medieval Studies from Central European University, Budapest (Hungary). He is a graduate in the Humanities from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, with certificates from the School of the Vatican Secret Archive and the Pontifical Institute for Christian Archaeology in Rome.

At John Cabot University he teaches courses in Medieval History, the Renaissance and Introduction to Western Civilization.