Professor Stefan Sorgner on Overhuman: A Plea for a Nietzschean Transhumanism

Stefan Sorgner
The March 2019 edition of the Cicero Kulturmagazin, the German equivalent of The Atlantic, published a detailed interview entitled “Der Übermensch ist unsere Hoffnung” (“The Overhuman is our Hope”). Well-known journalist Alexander Kissler interviewed the new realist Markus Gabriel, a bestselling author, and philosophy professor at the University of Bonn, and JCU philosophy professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner about topics of his new monograph, entitled Übermensch. Ein Plädoyer für einen Nietzscheanischen Transhumanismus (“Overhuman. A Plea for a Nietzschean Transhumanism”), as well as many other topics which are of current relevance. The interview reveals the enormous tension between these two philosophical approaches. The journal has a readership of over 550,000.
The book includes a blurb by Gianni Vattimo from the University of Turin, one of the world’s leading contemporary philosophers, and a long-time member of the European Parliament: “In Stefan Lorenz Sorgner’s work, the profound originality is accompanied by a vast knowledge of the philosophical tradition. His exploration of the philosophical meanings of post-humanism has become a point of reference that contemporary culture cannot ignore.”