John Cabot University Sponsors Consent Week: April 15-18

Consent Week at John Cabot UniversityThis year, John Cabot University is proud to participate for the first time in Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), which started 18 years ago in the United States. Each year has a dedicated theme for the month. This year’s theme is “I ASK”, and in keeping with this theme, JCU is sponsoring Consent Week from April 15-18 to raise awareness regarding sexual assault. The University’s goal in participating in this initiative is to shed light on the topic of sexual assault and to educate our community on the resources available on and off campus. We are all responsible for preventing sexual assault, thus the University is providing tools to help everyone to be a responsible member of the JCU community.

According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an organization part of the US Department of Health and Human Services, the problem of sexual violence is a widespread issue with 1 out of 3 women and 1 out of 4 men experiencing unwanted physical contact during their lifetimes. This demonstrates that although largely hidden, this subject has wide-reaching effects that influence a multitude of survivors’ physical and emotional wellbeing.

To begin the initiative, we are collecting letters of encouragement and support for survivors of sexual assault from April 8-April 12. We are reaching out to the entire community to write a message of support (either signed or anonymous), which will be displayed during Consent Week on Tiber Campus. Contribute a message by clicking on this link.

Consent Week Events:

We would like to take this opportunity to remind students that should they need any additional support they can always contact [email protected] to connect with the resources best suited to help them. For further information, please review the Health and Wellbeing Office page.