At Home with Art: Alumna Eleonora Savorelli

Originally from the Marche region in central Italy, alumna Eleonora Savorelli graduated from JCU in 2019 with a B.A. in Art History. She is currently living in Milan, where she is pursuing her M.A. in Visual Art and Curatorial Studies at NABA (Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti) while working at ‘C+N Canepaneri,’ a contemporary art gallery.

Eleonora Savorelli

Eleonora Savorelli

What made you decide to study at JCU?
I was thrilled by the idea of studying in English in an international environment. I had never experienced the American education system, but I took a leap of faith and it ended up being one of the best decisions I have ever made.

What motivated you to pursue a career in the art world?
For me, working in this field means being totally immersed in the contemporary world. Discovering how the artists I work with and admire interpret this chaotic reality is truly one of the aspects I enjoy most in my job: meeting them is really like exploring different planets. Galleries and art spaces are places where I truly feel at home.

What do you find most challenging about your job?
It is pretty difficult to get into the art world. Many people feel invisible when they start out in the field, which can be intimidating no matter what size institution you work for. But my job allows me to constantly learn and improve.

An important part of my job is to keep up with the fast-paced developments in the contemporary art world, which can be a bit overwhelming. I also need to develop the ability to foresee which artworks and artists will have lasting artistic value but I’m confident that I’ll reach this point with the necessary training.

What advice would you give to students considering JCU?
Go for it! At JCU, I found helpful and inspiring professors as well as very kind staff members. Not only was my learning experience fulfilling and valuable, but there was also a beautiful atmosphere. When I needed help, there was always someone there, both from a personal and professional point of view. If you are not accustomed to the American education system, you may feel a bit lost in the beginning, but this is normal and a part of your journey. Get involved in workshops, events, and trips. Attend club meetings! Above all, get to know classmates, professors, and staff members.

How did John Cabot University prepare you for your career?
Not only did JCU prepare me well academically, it helped me to improve my interpersonal skills. I learned to be more open toward others and more at ease when I have to interact with professionals.

Do you have any advice for graduating students?
Honestly, I remember my last semester, the one in which I wrote my senior thesis, as the richest, most difficult, and most exciting. I started actively participating in art events, in vernissages and openings. And thanks to my internships, I started to strengthen my professional contacts. Find your passion and follow it, make sure you know where you’re heading and seek out the people who might help you. Stay focused and work hard, but give yourself the opportunity and the mental space to relax and take a break. A rested mind is readier and quicker.