A Hand to the Needy: JCU's STAND Volunteers at Casa Del Papà

On February 28, 2020, members of John Cabot University’s STAND club, and other Community Service volunteers, dedicated their time to building furniture for the Casa Del Papà, a facility that hosts fathers whose children are hospitalized at the Bambino Gesù Hospital, in Rome. STAND is a student organization dedicated to humanitarian and volunteering activities.

Volunteers at Casa del Papà

Volunteers at Casa del Papà

The Casa del Papà project was launched in March 2018 by the Parish of Santa Dorotea, in collaboration with the Bambino Gesù Hospital, the Franciscan Community of S. Giacomo alla Lungara, and Vo.Re.Co, a center that provides essential services to former prisoners and people living in difficult situations. The purpose of the project is to alleviate problems of low-income families that come from all over the world and are forced to stay in Rome for a prolonged period while their children, who often suffer from serious pathologies, are treated at the Bambino Gesù Hospital.

Located in the heart of Trastevere, the Casa Del Papà offers various services, such as free room and board for its guests. This semester, STAND decided to support this project and express solidarity to families confronted with the suffering of their children. After raising funds at the beginning of the semester with a book sale, STAND purchased new closets, tables, and chairs for the Casa Del Papà. The club members then got together to assemble the furniture, to make the guests’ stay more comfortable and dignified.

STAND members and Community Service volunteers are looking forward to continuing their work at the Casa del Papà in order to make it a more welcoming and hospitable home for its guests.