JCU Entrepreneurial Resilience Series: Fighting Back the Crisis with Creativity

The John Cabot Institute for Entrepreneurship (IFE), together with JCU alumna Giorgia Conte, has launched the Entrepreneurial Resilience Series on the IFE  Facebook page to collect the stories of all the entrepreneurs who have reacted to the COVID-19 emergency.

Resilience can be defined as the intrinsic ability to adapt and function during adverse times.  Amid the current COVID-19 crisis, a strong investment in resilience is needed, through a strong response by the health care system, entrepreneurial flexibility, experimentation with new forms of work organization, and community support.

John Cabot University Entrepreneurial Resilience SeriesThe Entrepreneurial Resilience Series consists of 1-to-2 minute videos where entrepreneurs recount how they are responding to this unprecedented moment of difficulty. It covers different aspects of the entrepreneurs’ resilience: from practical and technical tips to inspirational messages on how to cope emotionally, or how they are currently helping others at this time.

Dozens of entrepreneurs of the IFE network have agreed to participate in this initiative. The testimonials collected come from different industries and backgrounds, with videos by JCU Alumna Anastasiya Shmatina sharing her experience with tech startup Messagenius, the motivating message from the President of Italian fashion producer Sterne International Gianluca Mirabassi, to the innovative tools selected by Andrea Ciancarelli from the franchising consulting company Restore. All of these videos have one common denominator: the will to bounce back from this challenging situation stronger than before.

“We launched this initiative to celebrate entrepreneurs, for whom resilience is the daily bread, who fight back the crisis with creativity, strength, heart, and humor,” says Silvia Pulino, Founding Director of the JCU Institute for Entrepreneurship about the project. “These are stories that speak of resilience, determination, and creativity. Sharing them contributes to creating a culture of critical-thinking, action-oriented leadership, to be shared with the JCU community.”