John Cabot University to Offer Summer I and II Classes Online
Updated May 12, 2020
John Cabot University has decided to offer Summer Session I and II classes online, given the current COVID-19 crisis. The decision was announced on Tuesday, May 12 by Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs, Mary Merva.
“Our students need the assurance that they can complete their courses and progress towards graduation. This is especially true for those who would be unable to return to Rome due to travel restrictions that could still be in place in many countries,” said Dean Merva.
Tuition discounts are being applied to both Summer I and II sessions. A discounted price will also be applied to JCU Housing, for those students who wish to stay in University residences.

A view of the Guarini Campus of John Cabot University
Should the University be able to open campus in keeping with health and safety directives provided by the Italian authorities, students and faculty will be welcome to access facilities or hold informal meetings. In any case, Summer I and II courses will continue to remain online for the entire duration of the sessions.
“We appreciate the understanding of our students and faculty regarding this complex and evolving situation. We look forward to a good summer of learning despite the obstacles that the current COVID19 crisis places upon us,” added Dean Merva.