Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Announces AI Talk Live

The JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies is pleased to announce the launch of the international collaboration, project, and monthly seminars series AI Talk Live on April 30. The seminar series was organized in collaboration with other founding fellows and national representatives in the US, Canada, UK, Puerto Rico, Panama, Uruguay, Portugal, France, Brazil, Italy, Switzerland, Mexico, Honduras, Cyprus, Spain, Peru, Australia, Thailand, Dominican Republic, and Jamaica.

AI Talk Live

AI Talk Live

The Mission

AI Talk Live’s mission is to develop cross-cultural cooperation for a human-centric approach to artificial intelligence that guarantees cultural diversity and a variety of normative perspectives in the development of trusted, transparent, accountable, inclusive AI geopolitics and developments.

The Challenge

Development countries are racing to keep up with the dizzying pace of AI advances. On the other hand, many other countries are being left behind and are kept out of innovation processes and discussions that are leading these developments. Many will be impacted by issues of bias, human rights violations, and by the lack of resources to design, develop, and deploy AI in a trusted, transparent, accountable, inclusive manner that is beneficial to all.

Regulatory and investment-oriented approaches are required to mitigate the risks associated with certain uses of AI. Western countries occupy the space in ethics opened by AI and in turn deny cultural diversity, the variety of normative perspectives and, ultimately, the true complexity of ethical analysis.

AI Talk Live brings together the USA, Canada, Asia, Europe, and Caribbean and Latin America to engage and inform academics, policymakers, governments, and private sector leaders on evolving AI technologies impacting Caribbean and Latin American countries and international relations. A series of monthly seminars and activities will address concerns in human rights, bias, ethics, and the design, development, and deployment of AI systems impacting society.

The Initiative

In collaboration with The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), AI Standards contributors, and higher education institutions, AI Talk Live seeks to address areas of critical global challenges and shared priorities for the benefit of all humanity.

It brings stakeholders together to:

  • Empower organizations to prioritize ethical considerations in the design and development of AI systems
  • Create an environment of collaboration for practical learning and economic development
  • Accelerate the development of trusted AI across countries
  • Develop new partnerships and initiatives to address urgent gaps and needs to support economic development
  • Accelerate the implementation of IEEE standards to develop regulatory approaches to mitigate the risks associated with certain uses of AI

A Call to Action

Cross-cultural cooperation is essential if AI is to bring about benefits globally. It is our responsibility as community leaders to influence the ways in which AI is perceived, implemented, and normalized globally. Our call to action is to employ a global lens to our core AI assumptions, whether it is the training data, model design and performance, explainability, and fairness of AI systems.

Learn more info about the initiative, the founding fellows, and the schedule:

Episode 1: Should we be concerned about the emerging use of AI technology?

April 30, 2021 12:00-13:00 PM EST – Eastern Standard Time UTC -5

Online Event

Policy Paper Discussion: Introducing a New Framework to Consider Emerging Uses of Technology for Development.

In this presentation, Dr. Peter Martey Addo, head of DataLab at the French Development Agency (AFD), Paris, (France), will be discussing the policy paper “Emerging Uses of Technology for Development: A New Intelligence Paradigm.

With only ten years left to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), development organizations rapidly need to innovate their approach to decision making and problem-solving. New lessons and understandings, born from emerging uses of technology, can enable these innovations. The policy paper was released jointly by the GovLab (USA) and the French Development Agency (AFD). The presentation will examine the value propositions of AI, one of such intelligences, and new opportunities.