John Cabot University Looks Confidently Toward Fall 2021
John Cabot University is proud of the fact that thanks to the tireless efforts of the entire JCU community, we have ensured that all our students are safe and are receiving a high-quality education during these unprecedented times.
Over the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has presented great challenges for the University, but the resilience, adaptability, and creativity of JCU’s faculty, staff, and students have only made our close-knit international community stronger.
A Safe Return to In-person Classes
The dedication of faculty and staff together with enhanced technology allowed JCU to quickly adapt all courses to online delivery in Spring 2020 when Italy went into lockdown. In Fall 2020 we were excited to reopen our doors and welcome our students in person while carefully following Italian health and safety legislation and protocols to protect the wellbeing of all members of our community.
The University adopted a hybrid model of education, which allows for students to take classes either in person or remotely, depending on their needs and in keeping with social distancing requirements. Given the reduced classroom capacity as mandated by the Italian Government, some classes were split in order to allow for students to alternate between following the class in person and online. All courses allowed for flexibility to transition to remote learning at any point during the semester.
JCU has established rigorous safety protocols such as: before entering any university premises, all students, faculty, or staff must have their temperature taken; masks are mandatory inside JCU premises; there are clearly delineated transit areas; social distancing rules are always respected; alcohol-based sanitizers are readily available on all premises, etc.
Reinforcing Campus Safety Through Free Randomized Testing
In Fall 2020, John Cabot University launched its Randomized COVID-Testing Program. A sample of JCU community members is tested at regular intervals in order to quickly identify individuals who test positive for COVID-19 so as to isolate them and prevent the virus from spreading on campus. The results of the tests are posted weekly. We are pleased to report that the infection rate has been extremely low (about 3%) and leads us to conclude that no members of the JCU community were infected on campus.

Critelli facade
Hybrid Education Continues in Spring 2021
Spring 2021 continued with the hybrid model in order to maintain flexibility for those who are not able to be on campus and need to follow courses remotely.
Vaccination Campaign for JCU Faculty and Staff
Phase 1 of Italy’s vaccination campaign began in late December 2020 and is currently focusing on individuals who work in schools and universities. The University is pleased to report that JCU faculty and staff are fully participating in the Lazio region’s vaccination campaign and we expect everyone to be vaccinated by mid-summer. The Italian Government aims to vaccinate at least 70% of the Italian population (about 45 million people) to reach herd immunity as soon as possible.
Beyond Academics: A Variety of Resources
JCU’s Student Life team, led by the Dean of Students, works hard to provide health resources, wellbeing support services, fitness programs, and virtual activities to both in-person and remote students. JCU interfaces with various medical authorities, including the Italian Public Health Authorities (ASL), the JCU On Call Doctor, and the JCU Nurse, all of whom advise the University on health-related matters and consult with students as needed.
Turning Struggles into Growth
Free individual online counseling sessions are available to support students going through difficult moments. Mindful Compassion Meditation groups provide a safe online space where you can learn how to relax, how to be more in contact with your body, mind, and soul in the present moment, and most importantly how to be kind and compassionate with your own self and others.
Career Services
John Cabot University’s Office of Career Services is more active than ever and has numerous partnership agreements with 679 companies that are seeking JCU graduates to work remotely. A variety of competitive internships are also available for JCU students. Contact [email protected] to learn about internship and job opportunities.
Gearing Up for Fall 2021
John Cabot University remains committed to welcoming both degree and visiting students seeking an exceptional educational experience in Rome. We will continue to uphold the highest standards of health and safety for our community. Watch the video above for updates from JCU President Franco Pavoncello and Vice-President Jose B. Alvarez.
We are pleased to report that applications from prospective students have increased 50% over last year.
Apply now for Fall 2021!