On Transhumanism: Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner's Book Featured in "Deliberatio"

Stefan Lorenz Sorgner On Transhumanism
The journal Deliberatio has dedicated its inaugural issue to JCU Philosophy Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner‘s book, On Transhumanism (Penn State University Press, 2020), which will be available in paperback beginning March 2022. Deliberatio is an open access, biannual, philosophy journal that publishes philosophical analyses and debates on challenging topics pertaining to various domains of reality, knowledge, experience, and action. It is one of the publications issued by the Institute for Social and Political Research (ICSP) of West University of Timisoara.
“Transhumanism is about the use of technologies to break beyond the boundaries of our current limitations to increase the likelihood of personal flourishing,” says Professor Sorgner. Designed for both students of posthumanist philosophy and general audiences interested in transhumanism, the book provides a broad overview of the topic. It questions the morals of enhancement and explains how transhumanism is related to cultural history.
The Deliberatio issue dedicated to Sorgner’s book contains several contributions from intellectuals across the world, including Oxford, Madrid, Germany, Cape Town, and Utrecht. It also includes a special article by Professor Sorgner himself, where he engages with other scholarly reflections on transhumanism. He considers it “a great sign of scholarly virtue to avoid polemics, to be philosophically dedicated to the core issues at hand, and to be intellectually innovative when addressing the central topics that demand further clarifications.” Sorgner is already looking forward to continuing “being engaged in the emerging discourses on the posthuman paradigm-shift.”
Professor Sorgner has made many innovative contributions to the study of posthumanism. He has written five books and edited over ten essay collections. He is the director and co-founder of the Beyond Humanism Network, Fellow at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET), Research Fellow at the Ewha Institute for the Humanities at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Visiting Fellow at the Ethics Centre of the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena, and more. His publications are well regarded in both the English and German language worlds. As a speaker, he has appeared on World Humanities Forum, Global Solutions Taipei Workshop, Biennale Arte Venezia, and TEDx.
In March, JCU’s Guarini Institute for Public Affairs will host an international symposium for Professor Sorgner’s newest book, We Have Always Been Cyborgs”(Bristol University Press, 2022).