The 50th Anniversary of John Cabot University: Celebrating the Past, Leading the Future
Dear JCU Community and friends,

John Cabot University President Franco Pavoncello
This academic year marks an outstanding milestone in the history of our institution, as we celebrate 50 years of the founding of our beloved University. John Cabot University’s evolution from a small American liberal arts college to an internationally recognized world-class university represents a truly remarkable and inspiring journey for us all.
In 1972, our founders recognized the importance of educating young adults with a focus on fostering intellectual agility, tolerance, and intercultural dialogue in a transformative, international setting.
Throughout the academic year, the University will be hosting special events in celebration of our first 50 years as an American overseas liberal arts university in the heart of Rome.
We will also showcase the many achievements of faculty, staff, students, and alumni while highlighting our openness and commitment to diversity and community engagement. Capturing voices and perspectives from members of our community will provide an extraordinary opportunity to remember and commemorate our evolving history. Our strong foundation of continuous growth and innovation bodes well for our future. We are inspired to move forward with confidence and dedication as we continue to teach and train the world’s next generation of global leaders with a clear vision of a better and enriching future.
Franco Pavoncello, Ph.D.
Visit the 50th anniversary website!