JCU Students Volunteer Through The Community Service Program
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, JCU student volunteers distribute food to local communities in difficulty in Piazza Mastai, Rome. The initiative is part of the JCU Community Service Program, in partnership with TuttoBlue Arte e Sociale.
TuttoBlue Arte e Sociale is an organization that gathers donated food from local bars and restaurants and provides it to those in need. Its mission is carried out thanks to the help of a group of volunteers, including some JCU students. The location of TuttoBlue’s food distribution is intended to reflect the communal nature of the event – Piazza Mastai is in an open space of the city in Trastevere. According to student volunteer Eleonora Consorti, it is the gratification that comes from helping out that drives her and other students to sign up.
Student Liliana Ferreri, who is majoring in International Affairs, serves as Site Leader for the TuttoBlue team. A group of about 5 students make their way from Tiber Campus to the supermarket to pick up as much fruit as their budget – generously provided by JCU’s STAND Club – permits. Upon arrival, students start distributing pre-packaged meals, bread, and beverages and begin greeting and handing out fruit to TuttoBlue’s guests.
Liliana’s leadership role has permitted her to serve alongside a variety of students. She says she has particularly enjoyed seeing how their unique interests and passions help them to grow closer to one another and to get to know those whom they serve at TuttoBlue. Likewise, Eleonora believes that the mornings she has spent volunteering at TuttoBlue have taught her that “even small gestures have value: a smile, an extra ‘thank you.’ a piece of bread, an exchange of words – even just greetings” have the power to improve guests’ experiences.
The Office of Community Service is proud of the volunteers’ enthusiasm as well as the quality of service that JCU student leaders like Liliana and many others have generously provided.
(Brianna Phelps)