JCU Student-led Organization JERO Awarded Best Junior Initiative 2021
JCU student-led nonprofit organization, Junior Enterprise of Rome (JERO) International Consulting was awarded the Best Junior Initiative 2021 by Junior Enterprises Network of Italy (JE) in Bologna, Italy, on May 28, 2022. The JE Network’s May Meeting is one of several annual events organized by and for JE organizations in Italy. JE’s May event, which was held at the University of Bologna, was hosted by the Junior Enterprise Bologna (JEBO) and Junior Enterprise of the Politecnico di Milano (JEMP).

JERO International Consulting
Junior Enterprises of Italy is part of a worldwide, student-led network that follows a set of criteria to ensure the reliability of an enterprise’s services. To qualify as a Junior Enterprise and be recognized as such by the JE Network, every JE must be affiliated with a higher education institution, be led by students, be a nonprofit, non-religious, and non-political organization, be registered as a legal entity, and a focus on a sustainable goal, among other requirements.
JERO’s Business and Finance Area Manager and JCU Senior Alessia Vitiello said, “The award acknowledges all the hard work we put in as a small JE within a network of organizations larger and older than us. It showed us the value of teamwork and dedication.”
Founded in 2020 by a group of JCU students, JERO offers consulting services to small and medium-sized enterprises worldwide, with services tailored to fit the needs of each one. All team members are current JCU students. JERO’s mission is to “Deliver quality services to enterprises through a dynamic and flexible consulting approach while developing students as individuals and professionals.” JERO completes at least one project per year per client, which is verified by JE. During its 2 years of operation, JERO has had more than 45 associates with 10 or more ongoing projects with enterprises like Investment Club Europe.
Enterprise President and JCU Junior Sara Segat noted how the award commemorates the founding team’s goals for JERO. “Our efforts to create something different as a JE were recognized. As part of the board of directors, we want to maintain a legacy of quality and commitment.”
JERO’s services include the creation of a business and marketing plan, social media marketing, financial analysis, and market and benchmarking analysis. Through case analysis, team formation, internal control, and a final output, JERO’s clients receive individual consulting based on the services they desire. This system implements a “learn by doing” model to develop students’ skills in line with professional experience.
The JE Network May Meeting was titled “Grow your echo: thoughts on our common future,” which focused on sustainability as an economic and societal tenant. The event aimed at reflecting upon what it means to be a sustainable enterprise – and how to become one – with the mission to educate and prepare the conscious leaders of tomorrow. Members of JERO took part in a series of workshops and networking meetings with JE’s partner companies such as Decathlon Italy and Lavoropiù.
To qualify for the Excellence Award, JERO delivered a pitch to JE’s jury highlighting the enterprise’s commitment to sustainable growth and quality services. During the Gala Night of the JE Network event, JE Italy presented the award to JERO.
JERO’s team is working to add an International Affairs area that specializes in public affairs consulting and international business development. Treasurer and JCU senior Kennedy Denton said that JERO will begin recruitment for additional team members in January 2023. “As our organization grows, we will need more students who are interested in learning about consulting and building connections around the world,” said Denton.