Meet Study Abroad Student Benjamin Klein
Benjamin Klein, who is from Nashua New Hampshire, is a freshman at the University of Delaware, majoring in Business Administration. He studied abroad at John Cabot University in Fall 2022.

Benjamin Klein
How did you decide to study abroad at JCU? What was your best experience while studying in Italy?
I have always wanted to study abroad. So I applied to the program that JCU offers through the University of Delaware and was able to spend my first semester in college in Italy. I would say that the best part about studying abroad in Rome was the opportunity to work so closely with my professors, and the fact that classes only ran Monday-Thursday, allowing for travel on the weekends.
What was the most surprising part of your study abroad experience? What is your best study abroad story?
I think the most surprising thing about my study abroad experience was how at home I would eventually feel. I was expecting to just be an observer of the culture, however, by the end of the semester, I could easily navigate the streets and I even got to know some restaurant and shop owners. One of my favorite study abroad experiences would have to be a traveling story. On the way to the Netherlands, my roommates and I decided to spend the night in a German airport to save some money. While it sounds terrible, it really brought us together and was one of those moments that you never forget.
What did you learn about yourself from your time abroad? How did this experience enrich you?
During my time abroad I learned what it felt like to be an outsider to new cultures. Thankfully I really enjoyed the European culture and lifestyle as it’s fairly easy to adjust to. Visiting other countries on weekends was something I really valued being able to do. It was like having 2-3 days to explore and take in as much as you could. This experience really inspired me to travel and see more. Even just traveling around Italy gave me this inspiration.
What advice would you give to students who are hesitant about studying abroad?
I think anyone who is hesitant to study abroad should consider how great an opportunity it is. For me it was like killing two birds with one stone: Traveling the world and going to college. If that isn’t enough, I don’t know what is.
What are your plans for the future?
My current plans are to study abroad again during my junior year… perhaps in an Asian country. And obviously to complete my degree at the University of Delaware.