JCU's Center for Career Services Shares 2022 Statistics

John Cabot University’s Center for Career Services, which is dedicated to helping students and alumni successfully prepare for the workforce, recently shared its 2022 statistics and gave an overview of how JCU students and graduates are doing in the current job market. The statistics include JCU students, alumni, M.A. candidates, and young professionals enrolled in the Continuing Education programs, with the age range being between 20 and 27 years old. The analysis received the attention of over 60 newspapers all across Italy, which featured the statistics in articles and a video.

JCU Career Fair

The JCU Career Fair

According to the Center’s statistics, in 2022, 43% of applicants found employment in the digital and innovation field. The education, writing, and translation fields followed with 14% of applicants. 12% joined the human resources and management field, and another 12% the marketing and sales industry. Finally, 11% of applicants entered the activism and research field, and 8% the accounting and finance sector.

An analysis carried out by the Center in 2019, before the Covid pandemic, showed that the three main employment areas were: digital and innovation, with an employment rate of 24,9%, accounting and finance with 18,7%, and activism and research with 18,3%. By comparing the 2019 and 2022 statistics, it is clear that in the past three years, job opportunities in the digital and innovation field have almost doubled.

John Cabot University’s Center for Career Services organizes three Career Fairs each year, where hiring managers from different companies meet with JCU students and alumni. Career Fairs allow participants to interview with multiple companies, thereby increasing their possibilities of being hired. Currently, the Center for Career Services has over 750 national and international partner companies.

In 2022, 86% of applicants obtained a job position following a Career Fair, or after applying through the Center for Career Services. Before the pandemic, only 76% of applicants found employment.

“Jobs keep changing, and they will change even faster in the future. Soft skills are increasingly important for students, because they allow them to easily adapt to the job market,” said Antonella Salvatore, Director of the Center for Career Services and marketing professor at JCU.