Developing Strategies for Global Corporations: Alfredo Cuzzupoli

On October 13, 2023, John Cabot University’s Institute for Entrepreneurship welcomed Alfredo Cuzzupoli, senior manager at Ernst and Young Financial-Business Advisors S.p.A in Rome. After earning an executive master’s degree in Business Administration from LUISS Business School, Cuzzupoli first worked as a sales controller at L’Oréal in Milan and then spent nearly a decade at global consulting firm Protiviti, in Rome, where he was manager for two years. At JCU, Cuzzupoli delivered a talk that focused on consumer centricity, digital transformation and sustainability strategies for large organizations.

Alfredo Cuzzupoli
Alfredo Cuzzupoli

Cuzzupoli began by briefly introducing the concept of customer centricity as a new way of doing business. Customer centricity means that the customer must always be at the center of companies’ strategies, influencing their communication, marketing, and production activities.

Cuzzupoli then emphasized the importance of digital transformation. In the current business landscape, where everything is becoming increasingly digitized, organizations must (or should) adapt. Through digital transformation, companies can increase efficiency in the supply chain, reduce costs, and enhance the customer experience, which is what really matters in the end.

Digital transformation involves the shift from manual processes to digital and automated ones. It’s not just a buzzword; it’s a needed evolutionary step in the way business is conducted.

While many think of sustainability primarily in environmental terms, Cuzzupoli expanded the concept to the idea of ESG (Environmental, Social Responsibility, and Governance) as a pillar of a successful sustainability strategy. Today, stakeholders demand more than just environmental sustainability; they want transparent supply chains, decarbonization strategies and plans, and greater commitment to social responsibility and ethical choices.

Cuzzupoli also stressed the importance of communication in sustainability efforts. Transparency is key, and companies must effectively convey their sustainability initiatives to build consumer trust and meet their expectations. Blockchain technology, which enables traceability along the supply chain and the possibility for a company to be 100% transparent is a prime example of this innovative approach.

In his presentation, Cuzzupoli also addressed the question of why sustainability should be adopted by large organizations. The answer lies in their greater impact, wider audience, and large amount of feedback from different markets. He also pointed out that sustainability can result in companies gaining a wider audience, having a greater impact, as well as higher returns for shareholders. Consumers care not only about the product, but also about the values and practices of the company producing it.

(Davide Ebraheem)