JCU Students Participate in Villa Pamphili Environmental Cleanup

On Friday, April 12, the Office of Community Service organized an environmental cleanup at Villa Doria Pamphili in Rome, in collaboration with the student club organization Grassroots, as part of the Community Service Program.  

Villa Pamphilj Environmental Cleanup
Villa Doria Pamphili Environmental Cleanup

JCU volunteers walked 5 km and cleaned the eastern area of the park, equipped with protective gloves, trash-picking tools, and bags. While clearing plastics, papers, and other forms of litter, students had the chance to nurture social responsibility towards the environment, explore Rome from a different angle, and get to know each other.

From January to mid-April 2024, the JCU Community Service Office and Grassroots led a total of eight cleanup sessions, collecting approximately 50 kg of trash in the Trastevere neighborhood. Around 30 students participated in different cleanups throughout the semester.

Student Francesco Albano, President of Grassroots and Community Service Site Leader for environmental cleanups, explained that these cleanups make people aware of environmental pollution and the need to take care of the planet. “When I lead the cleanups, it is not unusual for people to stop us on the street to thank us and tell us that we are doing something good,” said Francesco.

“I attended the cleanups for two years before becoming Site Leader, and my most memorable experience was the cleanup we organized at Villa Doria Pamphili, because it is a marvelous place surrounded by nature, he added.

These cleanups are concrete steps in an ongoing battle against pollution and environmental degradation, and highlight the power of collective action and commitment. Moreover, the cleanups represent a possibility for students to meet others who share the same mission towards the environment, fostering a sense of community and solidarity.

To stay updated on the next cleanups for the Summer sessions and the Fall semester, please send an email to [email protected]

(Michaela Papavero and Regina Gareeva)