JCU Participates in TOChina Summer School

The 18th edition of the TOChina Summer School took place in Turin and Milan from June 25 to July 5, 2024. JCU students (Emanuela Rosa Ruotolo, Nicole Di Maria, Manuela Barroso, Sofija Kaluderovic) and participants were exposed to valuable insights and cutting-edge research from some of the world’s most accomplished scholars on contemporary China.

TOChina Summer School 2024

The Summer School is organized by the TOChina Hub—a partnership between the University of Torino, ESCP Business School, and the Torino World Affairs Institute (T. wai)—in collaboration with John Cabot University. The TOChina Summer School enjoys the patronage of the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, as well as the Italian Political Science Association (SISP) and its Standing Group in International Relations.

The essence of the TOChina Summer School lies in its mission to navigate the intersection of China’s long-term structural transformations—socio-political, economic, and cultural—with the salient trends currently shaping international debates on China. As with all TOChina activities, the goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding that integrates various facets of China’s evolving landscape.

To ensure a rich learning experience, the faculty includes academics and policy experts from diverse fields such as economics, international relations, political science, and sociology. This interdisciplinary approach allows participants to gain multifaceted perspectives on contemporary China.

The TOChina Summer School is tailored for those interested in exploring both the domestic aspects of China’s politics and the rapidly evolving dynamics of Asian and global geopolitics and economics. International Affairs and Political Science students had the opportunity to engage in lively debates with senior scholars, many of whom oversee Ph.D. programs and are affiliated with prestigious organizations. Informal sessions provided deeper insights into the work of TOChina faculty members, exemplifying TOChina’s hands-on approach to studying contemporary China.

The TOChina Summer School provides an unparalleled opportunity to enhance one’s understanding and engage with leading scholars in the field. Whether studying China’s internal developments or its role in global geopolitics, the TOChina Summer School stands out as a premier educational experience.

“The TOChina Summer School has provided an amazing two weeks in the charming city of Turin,” says JCU student Harman Singh about his experience. “Bringing together the best and brightest experts in various fields concerning China, TOChina creates an academically invigorating environment that is also welcoming, friendly, and thoroughly enjoyable. The students that attend are among the most open and warm colleagues I have had the pleasure to meet, and the networks and connections of peers formed here will certainly last a long time. I cannot express enough enthusiasm in encouraging others to attend future editions of the TOChina Summer School .”