Professor Stefan Sorgner Featured in New Critical Introduction to Transhumanism
A new critical introduction to transhumanism, El futuro de la identidad humana a debate: Protagonistas de la polémica sobre el transhumanismo, (The future of human identity under debate: Protagonists of the controversy on transhumanism,) has been published in Spain by Tecnos (2024). This comprehensive volume explores the scientific, philosophical, political, and ethical dimensions of the transhumanism debate, with contributions by leading scholars across disciplines.

Significantly, the book includes a dedicated chapter on Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, philosophy professor at John Cabot University (JCU), acknowledging his prominent role as a German philosophical advocate for transhumanism. Written by Francisco José Soler Gil, the chapter titled Stefan Lorenz Sorgner: El apologista del transhumanismo en la filosofía alemana (The apologist for/of transhumanism in German philosophy) delves into Sorgner’s contributions to contemporary philosophy, emphasizing his influence on the global discourse surrounding posthumanism and transhumanism.
Edited by Juan Arana Cañedo-Argüelles, this Spanish-language volume provides critical analyses of key figures in the transhumanism debate, including Nick Bostrom, Raymond Kurzweil, Rosi Braidotti, Julian Huxley, and Michael Sandel. Each chapter examines the ideas and impact of these thinkers, fostering a deeper understanding of the controversies surrounding technological enhancement, human identity, and the future of humanity.
The inclusion of Sorgner’s work highlights the international relevance of his research and its resonance in shaping philosophical perspectives on transhumanism. This marks another milestone in Sorgner’s academic career and underscores JCU’s contribution to cutting-edge academic discourse.