Professor Pal Belenyesi Lectures in Conference on Cross-Cultural Negotiations in Brussels

Professor Pal Belenyesi Lecturing in Brussels

Professor Pal Belenyesi Lecturing in Brussels

JCU Economics professor Pal Belenyesi participated in the Executive Training Programme in Brussels from November 7 – 9. The event focused on cross-cultural negotiations and was organized by the Energy Charter Secretariat. Professor Belenyesi spoke about the importance of openness, tolerance, interest and flexibility in multicultural negotiations.

The Executive Training Programme is an initiative created by the Energy Charter Secretariat’s Knowledge Centre, which was designed specifically for younger professionals working in the energy field. Its goal is for interested parties to benefit from the expertise accumulated within the Energy Charter, create a strong network of experienced and young energy professionals, while also promoting the role of the Energy Charter in global energy governance.

Around thirty young energy professionals completed the course, bringing the total number of training program graduates to nearly 150 since the initiative began in May 2013. Participants in the November training once again came from a variety of member countries of the Energy Charter Treaty as well as, for the first time, outreach states including Mozambique, Nigeria, Mauritania and South Korea.

Professor Belenyesi teaches Economics and Competition of the European Union (EC-345), International Business law (LAW-323) and Multicultural Negotiation Leadership (BUS-340) at JCU. He has worked for national authorities in Hungary, for the European Commission, the European Parliament and blue chip companies in Hungary, Italy and in the US working in strategy, sales and general management.

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