President Pavoncello Quoted on Italian Economic and Political Crisis

President Pavoncello was interviewed by Channel 4 news UK and Euronews on Silvio Berlusconi’s recent resignation as Italy’s prime minister after losing his majority in Parliament, and the scenario of a technical government led by Mario Monti.

President Pavoncello, who holds a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, is a leading analyst of Italian politics and a well-known media commentator on Italian affairs.

President Pavoncello’s comments have recently appeared in Time, which also interviewed him about the Italian debt crisis, Bloomberg, The Wall Street Journal, The Independent, The Sun, The New Zealand Herald and ABC Australia. Other international publications to have featured Dr. Pavoncello include La Presse, Qué and De Standaard, among others.

Watch the Channel 4 News (UK) interview (scroll down).
Read the article in Euronews (in Italian).
Watch the Bloomberg interview on The Washington Post.
Read the article in Time on the Italian economy and the Berlusconi government crisis.
Read the article in The Wall Street Journal.
Read the article in The Independent here.
Read the article in The Sun.
Listen to the interview on ABC Australia.