Faculty News

Professor Lila Yawn on the Fifth Anniversary of the M.A. in Art History

Professor Lila Yawn on the Fifth Anniversary of the M.A. in Art History

The M.A. in Art History, the first graduate degree program in art history based entirely in Rome offered by a U.S.-accredited university, recently celebrated its fifth anniversary.

Professor Federica Capoferri Presents New Book on the Depiction of Rome in Film

Professor Federica Capoferri Presents New Book on the Depiction of Rome in Film

Professor Federica Capoferri presented her latest book Badlands. Il cinema dell’ultima Roma (Ledizioni, 2022), coauthored with Carolina Ciampaglia and Flaminio Di Biagi at the fourteenth edition of the Roma Film Corto independent film festival.

Professor Fabrizio Conti Interviewed by USA Today on Witchcraft

Professor Fabrizio Conti Interviewed by USA Today on Witchcraft

History Professor Fabrizio Conti was recently interviewed by USA Today in an article about witchcraft and magic.

Professor Fabrizio Conti Invited to UCLA to Discuss Paper on Paganism

Professor Fabrizio Conti Invited to UCLA to Discuss Paper on Paganism

On October 29, Professor Fabrizio Conti was invited by the University of California, Los Angeles, to discuss his paper called “Paganism, ‘Superstition’, and Christianization in Late Antique Northern Italy” at the California Medieval History Seminar.

Professor Jākobsone Bellomi Launches “She Rebuilds the World” Project

Professor Jākobsone Bellomi Launches “She Rebuilds the World” Project

John Cabot University Frank J. Guarini School of Business Professor Ieva Jākobsone Bellomi recently returned from Namibia and Zambia, where on October 18, 2022, she launched the first ever Latvian development cooperation project in Africa.

Teaching as a Conversation: Professor Simone Tholens

Teaching as a Conversation: Professor Simone Tholens

Professor Simone Tholens joined JCU’s Department of Political Science and International Affairs in September 2022. She holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy.

Professor Fabrizio Conti Publishes Book on Magic in the Roman World

Professor Fabrizio Conti Publishes Book on Magic in the Roman World

Professor Fabrizio Conti has published a new book titled “Nemo non Metuit”: Magic in the Roman World (Trivent, 2022). The volume, which Professor Conti has edited along with Professor Elizabeth Ann Pollard from San Diego State University, is the second volume in the series “Advances in the History of Magic, Witchcraft and Religion.”

Meet Dean of Academic Affairs Stefano Arnone

Meet Dean of Academic Affairs Stefano Arnone

Stefano Arnone is Associate Professor of Mathematics at John Cabot University. Voted JCU Professor of the Year in 2017, Professor Arnone was appointed Dean of Academic Affairs in July 2022.

JCU Welcomes Professor of International Relations Nicholas Startin

JCU Welcomes Professor of International Relations Nicholas Startin

Professor Nicholas Startin joined JCU’s Political Science and International Affairs Departments in Fall 2022. He holds a Master’s in French Studies from Birmingham University and a Ph.D. in Politics from Brunel University.

Meet Professor James Gardner, Chair of New Art and Design Department

Meet Professor James Gardner, Chair of New Art and Design Department

Studio Art Professor James Gardner has recently been appointed Chair of the new Art and Design Department at JCU.

Italian Language and Theater Professor Rosa Filardi Publishes New Book: Inquietudini

Italian Language and Theater Professor Rosa Filardi Publishes New Book: Inquietudini

John Cabot University Italian Language and Theater professor Rosa Filardi recently published Inquietudini (Anxiety, Macabor publisher, 2022).

Philosophy of Posthuman Art: Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner Publishes New Book

Philosophy of Posthuman Art: Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner Publishes New Book

JCU Philosophy professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner recently published a new book called Philosophy of Posthuman Art (Schwabe Ag, 2022).

Professor Fabrizio Conti Invited as Guest Speaker to Zayed University in the UAE

Professor Fabrizio Conti Invited as Guest Speaker to Zayed University in the UAE

On August 29 and 30, 2022, JCU History Professor Fabrizio Conti, was invited by Zayed University in the United Arab Emirates to give two research talks.

Professor Ieva Jākobsone Bellomi Launches Project To Support Female Entrepreneurs in Namibia and Zambia

Professor Ieva Jākobsone Bellomi Launches Project To Support Female Entrepreneurs in Namibia and Zambia

In the beginning of July Professor Ieva Jākobsone Bellomi, together with her Latvian diaspora NGO #esiLV (Economic Cooperation and Investments in Latvia), launched a new bi-annual project to provide an entrepreneurial certificate program and an official platform to female entrepreneurs in Namibia and Zambia.

The Power of Doubt: English Professor Jonathan Jones

The Power of Doubt: English Professor Jonathan Jones

Originally from Stoke on Trent, England, Professor Jonathan Jones has been teaching at JCU since 2014. Professor Jones holds a Ph.D. in Literature from Sapienza University in Rome.

Professor Antonio Lopez Receives Marieli Rowe Innovation in Media Literacy Award

Professor Antonio Lopez Receives Marieli Rowe Innovation in Media Literacy Award

Communications Professor and Department Chair Antonio Lopez recently received the Marieli Rowe Innovation in Media Literacy award for his ecomedialiteracy.org project.

Professor Riccardo Maiolini on Meta-organization Rejuvenation

Professor Riccardo Maiolini on Meta-organization Rejuvenation

Professor Riccardo Maiolini was invited to a conference held by the University of Ferrara called “Cooperative Enterprises Facing the New Socio-economic Environment.”

John Cabot University Welcomes Moira Egan for a Poetry Reading

John Cabot University Welcomes Moira Egan for a Poetry Reading

The John Cabot University Institute for Creative Writing and Literary Translation hosted the fourth event of its Summer Session Reading Series, a poetry reading of Amore e Morte (Tlon, 2022) by American poet Moira Egan. Egan is currently teaching a creative writing workshop on poetry at JCU.

The Incontinent of Royy: A Reading by Professor Daniel Roy Connelly

The Incontinent of Royy: A Reading by Professor Daniel Roy Connelly

The JCU Institute for Creative Writing and Literary Translation organized the third event of its Summer Session Reading Series, called “Daniel Roy Connelly: A Reading from His Novel The Incontinent of Royy” on June 8, 2022.

Professor Daniel Roy Connelly to Direct and Perform in NSFW

Professor Daniel Roy Connelly to Direct and Perform in NSFW

JCU Professor Daniel Roy Connelly will be directing and performing in NSFW, a play by British playwright Lucy Kirkwood.