Faculty News

The Emergence of Insight: Professor Carola Salvi Coedits Book

The Emergence of Insight: Professor Carola Salvi Coedits Book

JCU psychology Professor Carola Salvi recently coedited the book "The Emergence of Insight" (Cambridge University Press, 2024).

Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner Invited to Give Stanislaw Kaminski Memorial Lectures

Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner Invited to Give Stanislaw Kaminski Memorial Lectures

JCU Philosophy Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner was recently invited to give the Stanislaw Kaminski Memorial Lectures at The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, in Poland.

History Professor Fabrizio Conti Interviewed by Identity Style Magazine

History Professor Fabrizio Conti Interviewed by Identity Style Magazine

JCU History Professor Fabrizio Conti was recently interviewed by Identity Style, a Milan-based fashion and lifestyle magazine.

Professor Vanda Wilcox Appointed Co-Editor of First World War Studies Journal

Professor Vanda Wilcox Appointed Co-Editor of First World War Studies Journal

JCU is pleased to announce that history professor Vanda Wilcox has been appointed as co-editor of First World War Studies, the only scholarly journal dedicated to WWI, published by Taylor & Francis.

John Cabot University Presents “Feminist Futures:” A Celebration of International Women’s Day

John Cabot University Presents “Feminist Futures:” A Celebration of International Women’s Day

Coordinated by the Department of Psychological and Social Sciences, Feminist Futures was a day-long event of academic talks and live performances honoring the achievements of women across different fields.

Professor Michael Driessen and JCU Students Interviewed on Italian Television

Professor Michael Driessen and JCU Students Interviewed on Italian Television

On March 14, Professor Michael Driessen and a group of JCU students had the opportunity to participate in a segment of the RAI3 Italian TV show "Quante storie."

Professor Fabrizio Conti Gives Talks at Iowa State University and the University of St. Thomas

Professor Fabrizio Conti Gives Talks at Iowa State University and the University of St. Thomas

On February 27 and March 1, Professor Fabrizio Conti was invited to give two talks in the United States, respectively at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, and the University of St. Thomas, in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Professor Eleonora Diamanti Presents Multi-media Art Installation in Montreal

Professor Eleonora Diamanti Presents Multi-media Art Installation in Montreal

On March 2, Professor Eleonora Diamanti presented a new multi-media art installation titled “Ascendence” during the Montreal Nuit Blanche event, in Montreal, Canada.

Professor Anna Mauceri Trimnell Edits Poetry Collection

Professor Anna Mauceri Trimnell Edits Poetry Collection

Professor of Italian Anna Mauceri Trimnell recently edited a collection of previously unpublished poetry and prose by Jolanda Insana.

Finding Your Why: Professor Thomas Hope

Finding Your Why: Professor Thomas Hope

Born in London, Professor Thomas Hope joined JCU’s Department of Psychological and Social Sciences in 2023.

Professor Rosa Filardi Publishes New Book of Short Stories

Professor Rosa Filardi Publishes New Book of Short Stories

John Cabot University Italian Language and Theater professor Rosa Filardi recently published Lo Straordinario della vita (The Extraordinary in Life, Macabor publisher, 2023).

JCU Alumnus and Professor Mattia Maglione Co-translates Oliver Twist

JCU Alumnus and Professor Mattia Maglione Co-translates Oliver Twist

JCU alumnus and English professor Mattia Maglione recently co-translated Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens into Italian with translator Livio Crescenzi.

Professor Tara Keenan Receives Grant to Write Guide on AI Tools

Professor Tara Keenan Receives Grant to Write Guide on AI Tools

John Cabot University English Composition Professor Tara Keenan has received a grant to write a strengthening guide that makes use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools.

Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner Featured on Fortune Italia

Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner Featured on Fortune Italia

John Cabot University Philosophy Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner was recently featured on Fortune Italia’s December-January issue.

Professor Fabrizio Conti Invited to Give Lecture at Iowa State University

Professor Fabrizio Conti Invited to Give Lecture at Iowa State University

JCU History Professor Fabrizio Conti has recently been invited to Iowa State University in the U.S. to give a lecture on the past, present and future of the Humanities.

Call For Papers “Rome in The Renaissance” International Conference

Call For Papers “Rome in The Renaissance” International Conference

John Cabot University will host the international conference “Rome in the Renaissance: Global Projections on Religious Identities and Dissent” on April 5 and 6, 2024. T

Call for Abstracts: “Food, Family, and Justice” Conference

Call for Abstracts: “Food, Family, and Justice” Conference

Food is often produced, distributed, and consumed in families. What does this imply for food justice and justice in, of, and for the family?

Professor Carlos Dews Delivers Keynote Address at American Literature Society of Japan Conference

Professor Carlos Dews Delivers Keynote Address at American Literature Society of Japan Conference

On October 22, JCU Professor Carlos Dews delivered the keynote address at the annual meeting of the American Literature Society of Japan.

Professor Lyal S. Sunga Travels to Armenia to Train Prosecutors

Professor Lyal S. Sunga Travels to Armenia to Train Prosecutors

On October 11 and 12, Professor Lyal S. Sunga traveled to Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, to train prosecutors on how international and regional human rights law applies in pre-trial criminal proceedings within Armenia’s criminal justice system

New Essay Collection on Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner’s Work Forthcoming

New Essay Collection on Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner’s Work Forthcoming

A new essay collection that analyzes the work of JCU Philosophy Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner will be published in November 2023.