Guarini Institute for Public Affairs News

History Rhymes: Kunihiko Miyake’s Entanglement Theory of the New World Disorder

History Rhymes: Kunihiko Miyake’s Entanglement Theory of the New World Disorder

Miyake is President of the Foreign Policy Institute, a private think-tank in Tokyo, Research Director for foreign and National Security Affairs at Canon Institute for Global Studies and a Visiting Professor at Ritsumeikan University.

Alumna Anna Maria Gehnyei Presents Book Il Corpo Nero at JCU

Alumna Anna Maria Gehnyei Presents Book Il Corpo Nero at JCU

On September 19, 2023, Anna Maria Gehnyei was invited by JCU's Guarini Institute for Public Affair to present her book Il Corpo Nero (The Black Body) which talks about her experience as a black woman in Rome.

Guarini Institute and Temple University on Changing Global Order 

Guarini Institute and Temple University on Changing Global Order 

On March 14, 2023, the Guarini Institute for Public Affairs and Temple University hosted a joint event entitled “The New Setting: COVID, Ukraine and the Changing Global Order.”

Mussolini and the Rise of Populism: Guarini Institute Welcomes Spencer Di Scala

Mussolini and the Rise of Populism: Guarini Institute Welcomes Spencer Di Scala

On February 6, 2023, John Cabot University’s Guarini Institute for Public Affairs hosted a talk called “Mussolini's Legacy and Contemporary Populism” by author Spencer Di Scala.

JCU Welcomes Christian Bueger for a Talk on the Nord Stream Sabotage

JCU Welcomes Christian Bueger for a Talk on the Nord Stream Sabotage

JCU’s Political Science and International Affairs department and Guarini Institute for Public Affairs hosted the lecture “Beyond Invisibility: Protecting Maritime Infrastructures After the Nord Stream Sabotage” with Christian Bueger on November 14, 2022.

JCU Hosts International Press Correspondents on Italian Elections

JCU Hosts International Press Correspondents on Italian Elections

The Guarini Institute for Public Affairs hosted international press correspondents on the Italian Elections on September 14, 2022. Discussions about Italy's political system and the various scenarios about the elections were discussed with international media.

Guarini Institute for Public Affairs Presents Discussion on Gender Equality

Guarini Institute for Public Affairs Presents Discussion on Gender Equality

On July 12, John Cabot University's Guarini Institute for Public Affairs presented “Gender Equality - Views on Italy and the US,” a discussion with Rossella Canevari and Anna Di Lellio, moderated by journalist Patrizia Feletig.

JCU Hosts Discussion on Russia’s War in Ukraine and Future of Transatlantic Relations

JCU Hosts Discussion on Russia’s War in Ukraine and Future of Transatlantic Relations

John Cabot University's Guarini Institute for Public Affairs and Temple University's Rome campus presented a discussion called “Russia's War in Ukraine and the Future of Transatlantic Relations” on July 5th.

How Racist Humor Fuels White Supremacy: JCU Welcomes Raúl Pérez

How Racist Humor Fuels White Supremacy: JCU Welcomes Raúl Pérez

On July 6, John Cabot University's Guarini Institute for Public Affairs presented a lecture by Raúl Pérez, Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of La Verne, in which he discussed his new book The Souls of White Jokes (Stanford University Press, 2022).

JCU Hosts International Symposium on Professor Sorgner’s Latest Book

JCU Hosts International Symposium on Professor Sorgner’s Latest Book

On March 31, JCU’s Guarini Institute for Public Affairs hosted an international symposium on Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner’s new book We Have Always Been Cyborgs (Bristol University Press, 2022).

Fascism and Populism: Open Discussion with Roger Griffin

Fascism and Populism: Open Discussion with Roger Griffin

On October 21, the Guarini Institute for Public Affairs and the Department of Political Science and International Affairs welcomed Roger Griffin, Emeritus Professor at Oxford Brookes University, to discuss fascism versus "healthy populism."

The Future of Belarus: A Guarini Institute Discussion

The Future of Belarus: A Guarini Institute Discussion

On October 10, 2021, the Guarini Institute participated in the event “Belarus: La Terra Incognita - What’s Next?” with speakers Irene Hefer, Viktar Karanevich, Alexander Perepechko, Federigo Argentieri, Anna Zafesova, Marta Ottaviani, and Vadym Vetrov.

Guarini Institute for Public Affairs Hosts Roundtable on Climate Change

Guarini Institute for Public Affairs Hosts Roundtable on Climate Change

The Guarini Institute for Public Affairs hosted an online event called “L'Assemblea Generale dell'ONU e la questione climatica” (The UN General Assembly and the Climate Issue) on September 27, 2021.

JCU Presents “Politics of Fear in the 21st Century” with Frank Furedi

JCU Presents “Politics of Fear in the 21st Century” with Frank Furedi

JCU’s Department of Political Science and International Affairs and the Guarini Institute for Public Affairs organized the event “Politics of Fear in the 21st Century,” with Professor Frank Furedi on October 6, 2021.

Guarini Institute for Public Affairs Presents “2021 Elections of the Duma”

Guarini Institute for Public Affairs Presents “2021 Elections of the Duma”

The Guarini Institute for Public Affairs hosted the online event on the elections held in Russia for the Duma, one of the chambers of the Russian parliament, on September 24, 2021.

Unrest in Cuba: An Online Audio Discussion Hosted by the Guarini Institute

Unrest in Cuba: An Online Audio Discussion Hosted by the Guarini Institute

On July 27, 2021, the Guarini Institute for Public Affairs hosted an online conversation about the current political environment in Cuba.

Guarini Institute Presents “Taking Stock of Afghanistan”

Guarini Institute Presents “Taking Stock of Afghanistan”

On August 27, the Guarini Institute of Public Affairs hosted a panel on Clubhouse to discuss the situation in Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover and the terrorist attack at the Kabul Airport by ISIS-K.

Venti di Guerra tra Iran e Israele? (Winds of War between Iran and Israel?)

Venti di Guerra tra Iran e Israele? (Winds of War between Iran and Israel?)

Iran-Israel Relations - "Iran's Weapons Shipment: The Full Disclosure" by Israel Defense Forces is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0 The Guarini Institute for Public Affairs hosted an online event called “Venti di Guerra tra Iran e Israele?” on August 4, 2021. Moderated by Guarini Institute Director [...]

Guarini Institute Launches Inaugural Panel on Clubhouse

Guarini Institute Launches Inaugural Panel on Clubhouse

The JCU Guarini Institute for Public Affairs hosted an inaugural panel on the social-audio application Clubhouse to discuss the U.S. President Joe Biden's first six months in office as well as the projected future of his administration.

The Middle East After Trump: A Guarini Institute Discussion

The Middle East After Trump: A Guarini Institute Discussion

The JCU Guarini Institute for Public Affairs hosted an online event called “Il Medio Oriente dopo Trump,” (The Middle East After Trump) On March 17 2021.